
Sunday, 9 May 2010

Herbivore Men Part 2

Hrmmmm.... not too good at updating this frequently, am I?





The image can be found at (2010/05/05) if it doesn't work here. As an extra precaution, I'll type out the questions. I'm going to answer in English only to save time. Sorry for the lack of showing off there XP

1.      Do you pick up girls? I would if I knew how to and girls were interested in me. Having Asperger's Syndrome doesn't exactly help with the 'social ability' thing, either :/.
That being said.... when men have been interested, I've always been the one buying the drinks for them. But only if I'm interested back.
And if you try to flirt with me, use pick-up lines or make any overt attempt to impress me, you can just take yo lame azz home.
N.B. One thing I found interesting is that the term 'pick-up' is much less sexual in Japan than how I as a Brit would conceive it. I'd probably say 'going out on the pull' en lieu de 'picking up'. In Japan, it's jut going out and talking to people whereas in the UK it's anything up to a one-night stand. Which I assume is always sexual. But then again it could just be that the Japanese tend to be a lot more quiet about the sexual side of things than the English.

2.      Do you confess to a girl that you like her? I think I would.... again, apply this to both genders
3.      Should the man pay on the first date? GUGH! Honest to God, I **FUCKING HATE**  the fact that people believe there's this idea that men 'should' pay on the first date.  Anyway, most of the time, I let him pay and make sure I bring plenty of money that day because it's easier to go along with what society wants than anything else. And I suppose it makes the blokes feel emasculated....
With both genders, I'm more than happy to go Dutch [wonder where that came from?] or even pay for both of us if I can afford it right from the off. But there we are.

To summarise: No, but he'll always try to anyway so STFU cos ur only a wimman bych.Do you want a car more than a bike? I can't ride a bike and don't want to learn to drive, so the Asperger's side of me [i.e. the one that takes everything literally] would say neither.
 However, from a status point of view, I think I'd say a bike. A car's fine as well, but not if whoever my potential date decides to sing its praises constantly. 
I was surprised at how nearly everyone in the class wanted a car over a bike. Admittedly most cited convenience, but there were some who secretly preferred the perceived status a car has. All of them were girls *rolls eyes*

4.      Do you have high ambitions to be successful? I think so...  probably unrealistically high, actually. I mean, I can barely understand simple questions put to me in Japanese because I panic and stop listening the moment I realise that I don't know this one little word ANDLYKOMGIHAVETOHAVEHAVETOFINDTHISWORDINMYDENSHIJISHOORELSETHEWHOLEWORLDISDOOMED D:.... BUTIDON'THASDADENSJIJIHSO D: tOt T-T..... and yet I still want to be a translator or an interpreter. Annoyingly, I have the ambitions but not always the impetus to follow things through properly!!
5.      Do you go drinking with your boss? First answer would be yes if I worked and if Japanese and English work ethoses were the same. However, on second thoughts, I'd be scared of getting fired from having drunk too much and made a total fool of myself. Not so sure that bosses would be prepared to look after me while I had my head in the toilet bowl/sink for the 3rd time that night. I suppose if they were, then that'd be a testament to how awesome they are as a person.
6.      [The wording to this one makes me giggle inside as it's such an old-fashioned translation] Do you think it is not "cool" to spend a lot of money on primping? It's fine as long as it doesn't get in the way of other things/people and [in my ideal world] You have some brains and personality to go along with your looks.
Also, it just wouldn't be practical to spend ALL your time on your looks.
7.      Are you the "take the reins" kind of guy? I think generally not, tbh.... I prefer to observe from a distance and make a move when I feel comfortable doing so.
8.      Do you like drinking alcohol more than eating sweet things? Yes! The effects are better, alcohol has more variety and I've basically all but lost my appetite since coming to Japan.
9.      Would you choose work over friends and family? Don't think so.....
Now, I swear there's one missing that I can't fine now! ¬¬
P.S. I'm quite surprised at how therapeutic it feels writing on this. 
P.P.S. Yes, I am bi. 

1 comment:

Kirk Masden said...

Thanks! I really enjoyed reading this. You're a very entertaining writer!