
Saturday, 15 March 2008

Why a mood diary?

Because I've discovered since I started retaking my first year of uni in September (Perhaps before then) that my brain chemistry is abnormal, and not just because I have Asperger's Syndrome.

I know my mum's bipolar, so I get the feeling I might have inherited some mental fragility from her. Also, my brother gets depressed very easily, but he's more classically - read severely - autistic than I am.

*clears throat* Sorry, tangent again. Anyway, the nub and gist of it is that if I keep a mood diary for a couple of weeks (How I felt at what time, what factors have made me feel like that, whether I remembered to take EPO and vits or not, what I ate etc etc etc).

Anyway, for those of you who've never heard of any of these things....

I'll put up my personal definition of Aspergers' Syndrome (id est, how it affects me) later on. But if you want something more generic, here are some links below.

Asperger's Syndrome -
Autism -
Austitic spectrum -
Bipolar (Apparently, it's quite common for bipolar people to have children on the autistic spectrum) -

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